Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Recycle and decorate!

I was looking for a container to hold my handful of copic markers and I found this empty cacao powder  container that I had put aside for an upcoming project!
It's an easy and quick tutorial; Perfect to recycle and re-use container around you!

All you need is:
- A container
- Some paper
- Modpodge
- Paintbrush
- Brayer (optional)
- Scissor
- Tape measure 

Once you found you perfect container, measure it to prepare your paper.

I colored some mandalas and thought it would be great on my container.
I found a light paper to coordinate...

Modpodge your container...

and glue your pre-cut paper all around

Apply your brayer to smooth the surface or do it with your fingers.

Now I glue my mandalas on top and ...that's it!

You can protect your container with a transparent adhesive if you wish.

Now I have a beautiful Mandala container to hold my copics and I can choose the color I want to see and change it when I want!!...
Recycle, Re-use and decorate your container for a colorful and pretty decor!...

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  1. I am going to try this with Pringles Chips cans for knitting needles and longer crochet hooks...Also saved some oatmeal containers - for other sized crochet hooks...thanks, Joan Hahn

  2. What a pretty container...after you got a hold of it :).

    amy @ whilewearingheels.blogspot.com

  3. ohhh I bet you could probably sell these--and I know where too!
    Best, Nola

  4. Cute idea! I thought of pringles cans too:)

  5. Crafty little gal! :) :) :)
    Love Oh Edith
